As afraid as I was from all the “researching”, I couldn’t wait to get out of Zurich. My first impression of Paris: it’s a disgusting, festering hole and a cesspool. The train station was absolutely vile and the permeating stench of stale...
The over night bus provided some of the best sleep I’ve had all trip. Chen didn’t quite agree with me on that front, though. Welcome to Zürich, the most boring place in all the land, not to mention expensive. We arrived at 7 am and headed towards the...
Making a promise to myself to finish off Europe before I jet off to Tokyo in about a month. All the Google searching and guidebook reading freaked me out about the Prague leg of our trip. I have a tendency to overthink everything and psych myself out. In the end,...
Catching a plane between Brussels and Berlin was definitely the wrong travel option to take. It, I imagine, takes just as long as catching a train. Getting to the airport two hours early, one hour flight, waiting another hour for baggage to be offloaded, waiting for...
I have mixed feelings about Belgium. We arrived in Brussels just after 1 pm; as the train pulled up to the platform I immediately wanted to run back to Amsterdam. However, we had an exceptional host for our first Airbnb experience; he spent about an hour explaining...