Japan 2016: Day 12 (A day of fine dining)

Japan 2016: Day 12 (A day of fine dining)

Chen got tired of waiting around for the lazy bugger, because I like to sleep in past the crack of dawn. He decided it was a good time to get some walking done so off he went for a nice 8km morning…and he says I’m the crazy one. Well, anyway, since he...
Daisy’s Milkbar is adorable

Daisy’s Milkbar is adorable

It was Good Friday, and we’d wasted the morning checking out quite possibly the worst sunrise possible. It was 99.9% cloudy. First light was just one giant light box and at sunrise, that’s just terrible. There was no break in the clouds to capture anything...
Novelty at Aqua S

Novelty at Aqua S

Everyone’s heard of this crazy place serving the blue ice cream by now. I’m such a sucker for novelty and their fortnightly flavour changes constantly call me back! I’ve been three times now. The most recent, just last night. While they have a staple...
Dr. Faustus

Dr. Faustus

I’ll admit I was suckered in by the cereal milk! They were all talking about it and yes, it was every bit as enjoyable as they said. We were actually headed to One Five Two, but their Facebook page lied and I was utterly disappointed they were closed on the...
Egg Cups

Egg Cups

It was Friday evening so we had a bunch of leftover turkey and spinach from sandwich making! I decided to make some egg cups for an “on the run” breakfast for Saturday and I just kind of threw everything we had in there. It ended up tasting great! No,...