Dr. Faustus

Dr. Faustus

I’ll admit I was suckered in by the cereal milk! They were all talking about it and yes, it was every bit as enjoyable as they said. We were actually headed to One Five Two, but their Facebook page lied and I was utterly disappointed they were closed on the...
Nectarine & Watermelon Ice Blocks

Nectarine & Watermelon Ice Blocks

I’ve actually been having a pretty tough day skin-wise. It’s been irritating me all day. I think I may be taking issue with bananas. Oh no! Or…it might just be my hormone levels at this time of my cycle. Anyway, I decided I needed a bit of a treat,...
Choc Banana Ice Cream Recipe

Choc Banana Ice Cream Recipe

Yep, still on the good food kick for my skin. Not really sure it’s helping much any more though. It’s been just under three weeks and while I had noticed some improvement and less itching for a while, I’ve also noticed new plagues forming at a faster...