There was just as much shopping as there was eating during the Tokyo trip and even then, it really wasn't enough. Never enough....
Japan 2016: Day 18 (Home time)
Packing last night was a nightmare. We arrived in Tokyo with one suitcase between the two of us and ended up having to cram...
Japan 2016: Day 17 (The last whole day)
It's our last full day in Tokyo and what better way than to head back to the Tokyo Dome and hit up one last roller coaster...
Japan 2016: Day 16 (Taking it easy)
It's our last Sunday in Tokyo! We took it easy today. Spent the day wandering around Shinjuku and the afternoon looking for...
Japan 2016: Day 15 (Can we take some detours)
The pain of attempting to wake up early is very real. Chen was very excited about visiting the Samurai Museum today and we...
Japan 2016: Day 13 (DisneySea)
Dad Yee took a day off work so we could all go to DisneySea together and because we were going with parents, that meant there...
Japan 2016: Day 14 (Eat all the things, buy all the goods, see all the sights)
It's Chen's day. He enjoys going to museums and looking at weird boring things. I say these things are boring, but when I'm...
Japan 2016: Day 12 (A day of fine dining)
Chen got tired of waiting around for the lazy bugger, because I like to sleep in past the crack of dawn. He decided it was a...