[Download] Format: .abr (for CS5) + .jpg image pack Dimensions: 50px on average, images saved as 100px by 100px License:...
Textures: 4 Large Digital Bokeh
[Download] Format: .JPG images Dimensions: 1680px by 1050px License: Personal or Commercial use. Link backs: My LiveJournal...
Textures: 9 Icon-sized Light Swirls
[Download] Format: .jpg images Dimensions: 100px by 100px License: Personal or Commercial use. Link backs: My LiveJournal...
Textures: 12 Icon-sized Digital Bokeh
[Download] Format: .jpg images Dimensions: 100px by 100px License: Personal or Commercial use. Link backs: My LiveJournal...
Brushes: 19 Crescent and Star
[Download] The 'extreme' crescents are inspired by Sailor Moon! Format: .abr (for CS5) + .jpg image pack Image pack contains 17...