Pretty sure 2015 is going to be the year of the burger. Burger pursuits all-round!
I went to Burger Project last year, but I was trying not to eat bread so I ordered the bunless option. So tragically disappointed. It all tasted delicious, but I’m sure it would’ve been infinitely better with the bun!
Everyone has been Neil Perry this and Neil Perry that, and I’m just sitting there all “whut?” I just want to go because I heard good things about the taste of the burgers! I heard about the joint late last year and went on a quick scout during my lunch break as I’d never noticed it before.
That first night we went there just after 7pm and were doubtful we’d find somewhere to sit since it’s been so popular. We waited in line to order–The Mister ordered The Classic and I ordered The Chicken Bunless. Bunless, you hear that? So tragic. Don’t try it at home, kids. The flavours, again, were great, but the “extra lettuce” was just twice thin sheets. I don’t know where the image came from, but I imagine maybe three slices on each side to replace the bun so the juices wouldn’t leak all down your arm.
This time, I knew better!
We showed up a little early, like 5pm. Hungry and waiting for friends to show up, so we took some photos and The Mister decided to be incredibly creepy by sticking his face right up against the window of the kitchen. His reasoning was that “there are obviously windows there for a reason!” The kitchen staff were on the other side looking shocked and he just starts breathing on the window. Yeah, what a weirdo.

These windows are perfect for creepily staring at the kitchen staff
Finally, our friends show up and we can order. Luckily they are indecisive people. “No need to be hasty.” After about ten minutes of staring at the menu, they decide on what we suggested for them in the first place. To be expected, of course. We sat eagerly waiting for the food to arrive — like I said — starving.

Why did the decision take so long?! There’s not even that many items on the menu!

Told you we were early. Only two other tables were there.

Love the lights on this bar
The food is herrreeee!!!

This here, is the Fried Chicken Burger!

The Aussie Burger. Didn’t realise it at the time, but it must’ve been for Australia Day!
If there are chicken burgers at a place, I’m guaranteed to be the one choosing it. I love my chicken. That has nothing to do with the fact that I’m not a beef fan. The buns are soft, they remind me of McDonald’s buns actually; they even look like it a little too! The chicken was crispy and flavoursome, the beef was juicy, and the cheese…well, you can’t have a burger without cheese!

The Double with some Chipotle Chilli Chips
Didn’t order the chips last time, and I only read about what people were saying about them. The whole time between visits, I was skeptical about how good they really could be. I mean, after all, it’s just chips, right? Well, they’re lovely and the chilli salt on them adds a wonderful flavour.

Annnd…the Spicy Chicken Burger next to it all


The aftermath
Don’t worry, we finished those last pieces of chips. The American was packed with so much beef. Glad I didn’t order that! Oh and below is an image of my previous visit! Overall, I’ll gladly revisit this joint, but obviously not for a while (hopefully) because there’s so many other burger places I need to try first!

The American with Bunless Chicken Burger

7.5 out of 10
Burger Project
World Square (Above Grill’d)
Level 1, 644 George St, Sydney
Website | Facebook
Opening Hours:
Daily: 11:00 – 21:00